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MB #055: Sunburns, 10x, spanking, and what matters most

mission briefing Mar 30, 2024

Read Time: ~3 Minutes

Hey friends,

Welcome to The Mission Briefing, a weekly newsletter where I provide actionable insights, food for thought, curated recommendations, and more.

Happy Easter weekend! In light of Resurrection Sunday, I moved this week’s issue to Saturday instead. I hope you’ll find this a helpful adjustment so you can focus on time with family, and worshipping the Lord tomorrow.

Today at a glance:

  • Food for thought: What’s important? What’s a distraction?

  • Quote: Standing on the Promises

  • Health tips: How to prevent sunburn and cancer (without sunscreen)

  • Book: You need to 10x, seriously

  • Social Media: What’s Wrong With Atomic Habits?

🧠 Food For Thought:

If you don't choose how to use your time, others will choose for you. If you don't choose your mission, others will give you theirs. If you don't choose to think and believe the truth, others will impose on you their lies.

Identity is wired into you, but if don’t agree and align with it, a false identity will be given to you.

Reflect: then consider sharing this thought with others.


✍️ Quote Of The Week:

“A husband and wife must, through example and words, see that discipline is for the benefit of the child, and not for the benefit of the one doing the discipline. The children must understand this principle as well. Consequently, in the home, it is wrong to allow discipline that is not entirely calm.”

-Doug Wilson, Standing on the Promises


💪 Health & Fitness Tips:

Welcome to Spring. That means we’re not far from Summer, and our exposure to sunlight will be picking up. So it’s worth taking some time to give you the yearly reminder for how to soak up the sun in healthy ways.

In the “Melanoma in Southern Sweden” study, they set out to determine how much sunlight exposure would cause an increased risk of melanoma cancer. The goal was to highlight the connection between UV exposure and melanoma risk.

The findings were important, and not at all what they expected…

They found that the people group who had the lowest rate of melanoma instances were those who spent the most time in the sun.

There is overwhelming evidence in the scientific sphere connecting sunlight and vitamin D to a reduction in cancers. You can read some of those here.

So what’s the deal with skin cancer and sunlight then?! Great question…

1. The increase of seed oils

The systemic inflammation from seed oils increases burn risk from sun exposure and decreases the amount of time exposed that it takes to cause burning.

The first trick to prevent cancer is to stop burning. Want to be able to spend hours in the sun without chemical-packed (potentially cancer-causing) sunscreen? Drop the seed oils.

2. An increase in sunglasses with UV-blocking properties.

Studies suggest a pretty strong connection between UV exposure to our naked eyes, and an increase in melanin production, a skin pigment that absorbs harmful parts of UV and protects cells from sun damage.

The more you wear sunglasses and eat seed oils, the more you are disrupting your body’s naturally designed processes for protecting the skin from unnecessary sun damage.

Also, just be wise about the length of time. These adjustments don’t make you bulletproof, they simply help you align more with how God made your body to function.


📚 Book Recommendation:

10x Is Easier Than 2x: How World-class Entrepreneurs Achieve More by Doing Less - My biggest takeaway was the reality that there are several ways to 2x a project. If you want to 10x a project, however, the pathways reduce dramatically and there may only be 1 or 2 ways to achieve that. This forces you to abandon the noise of the million possibilities, and instead focus your attention and effort on a narrow and specialized path towards 10x. This process fosters creativity and out-of-the-box thinking that normally is drowned out by the noise of options.


📱 Social Media Favorites:

What’s Wrong With Atomic Habits? James Clear wrote one of the bestselling books of all time. It’s about habits and transformation. There was something missing from his formula for lasting and proper transformation. This week’s video outlines what that is.


PS. When you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help more:

1/ Grab our 90-day Tactical Fit Guide. Drop tons of body fat. Get "strong like ox". Transform your health. Improve your faith. Lead your family. Impact your community.

2/ Apply for our premium coaching experience My insight-driven coaching approach is designed to dig deep into the underlying junk that has been holding you back from a vibrant life of freedom.