
Struggling To Get Fit, Healthy, And Strong...And Stay That Way?

Meet Mission-Fit Dads.

Where busy Christian business leaders transform their body, their habits, and their legacy


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Build Better Habits

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The Mission-Fit Father Book

This transformation book for busy Christian dads is the proven frameworks and principles that I've used for years personally and use with every single dad here at Mission-Fit Dads. This is specifically for dads who are ready to learn how to make change stick long term.

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So, Why So Much Talk About Habits? I Thought This Was Fitness...

So, Why So Much Talk About Habits? I Thought This Was Fitness...

Let's face it – a "successful" life without health, strength, energy, and deep faith, is like a cup with a hole in the bottom.

That's where habits come in.

Habits are the key to everything you want most in life and health - but you need to know how to break them and how to build them.

Habits Are The Secret To Your Lasting Fitness Success

Habits Are The Secret To Your Lasting Fitness Success

It's the difference between the 95% of people who fall off "wagon" after a fitness journey, and the 5% who maintain for life!

It's the difference between the 95% of people who gain their weight back or fall off the strength training "wagon", and the 5% who do it for life!

Without Good Habits

  • Depleted willpower
  • Frustration & shame
  • Short-term results
  • Inconsistency

After Fixing Habits

  • Saves Willpower
  • Confident and joyful
  • Maintain for decades
  • Healthy becomes automatic

Do You Like Feeling The Opposite Of Frustrated?

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About Chris

Meet Your Coach

Chris Cirullo is a husband, the father of 5 boys, and the founder of Mission-Fit Dads - fueled by a passion to see business leaders operating from a strong foundation of faith and health.

  • ​Army Ranger: 4x Combat Deployments to Afghanistan + over 300 direct action night raids
  • 3x Start-UpsHelped scale 3x venture-backed start-ups and several smaller ventures
  • 15 Years Experience: Has coached and discipled men in fitness, nutrition, and following Jesus since 2010 

Mission-Fit Dads Get's You Fit & Healthy

Mission-Fit Dads Get's You Fit & Healthy

We're the original fitness & habit transformation coaching for Christian, fathers, who are business owners, executives, leaders, etc.

As part of the MFD you will have world-class workout programs and nutrition plans that transform your body - help you get stronger, leaner, healthier, (and help you strengthen your faith and family).

But That's Not All Mission-Fit Dads Does...

Mission-Fit Dads Gives You Everything You Need To Live To Become A Top 1% Christian Father

All In One Convenient Coaching Experience!

But That's Not All Mission-Fit Dads Does...

Mission-Fit Dads Gives You Everything You Need To Live To Become A Top 1% Christian Father

An All In One Convenient Community Coaching Experience!

Mission-Fit Dads Is...

A  Brotherhood

Building a brotherhood of men with shared values, faith, and goals is tough. What normally leaves men feeling alone and frustrated in the local setting can now be resolved! As an Army Ranger who deployed 4x to Afghanistan, I know real 'brotherhood'.

With Mission-Fit Dads, you can...

  • Establish insanely valuable friendships that are aligned in values and goals
  • Step confidently into a space where people understand your stage of life, challenges, and get valuable advice
  • Interact with a curated group of business leaders, owners, and execs - leadership can be lonely, we fix that

Mission-Fit Dads Is...

A  Brotherhood

Building a brotherhood of men with shared values, faith, and goals is tough. What normally leaves men feeling alone and frustrated in the local setting can now be resolved!

With Mission-Fit Dads, you can...

  • Establish insanely valuable friendships that are aligned in values and goals
  • Step confidently into a space where people understand your stage of life, challenges, and get valuable advice
  • Interact with a curated group of business leaders, owners, and execs - leadership can be lonely, we fix that 
  • As an Army Ranger who deployed 4x to Afghanistan, I know real 'brotherhood'.

Mission-Fit Dads Is...

Your  Knowledge Base

If you've spent even a day on the internet you know there are endless competing ideologies in fitness and health. But when you sift, consistent truth comes out the other side.

With Mission-Fit Dads, you can...

  • Quickly learn the 20% of info that gives you 80+% of your results.
  • Cut the noise and avoid the worthless arguments that confuse everyone.
  • Learn everything you need to know for a life of fitness and health, in just 5-minutes per week.
  • Access a searchable content for all of your curiosities and questions

Mission-Fit Dads Is...

Your  Knowledge Base

If you've spent even a day on the internet you know there are endless competing ideologies in fitness and health. But when you sift, consistent truth comes out the other side.

With Mission-Fit Dads, you can...

  • Quickly learn the 20% of info that gives you 80+% of your results.
  • Cut the noise and avoid the worthless arguments that confuse everyone.
  • Learn everything you need to know for a life of fitness and health, in just 5-minutes per week.
  • Access a searchable content for all of your curiosities and questions

Mission-Fit Dads Is...

Faith & Family Centric

MFD isn't here to help you get a 6-pack at all costs. We're here to help men of God build a life of holistic health - this includes a deeper faith, and a vibrant family life.

With Mission-Fit Dads, you can...

  • Define and refine your family mission statement and vision so that you have a strong guiding foundation
  • Finally have a fitness program that works WITH your business, family, and faith - accelerating all of them simultaneously
  • Develop micro-habits, weekly rhythms, and mindsets that support physical transformation without sacrificing work or family
  • Learn how to understand the subconscious beliefs you have that currently run your habits and how to overhaul those in a Biblical way

Mission-Fit Dads Is...

Faith & Family Centric

MFD isn't here to help you get a 6-pack at all costs. We're here to help men of God build a life of holistic health - this includes a deeper faith, and a vibrant family life.

With Mission-Fit Dads, you can...

  • Define and refine your family mission statement and vision so that you have a strong guiding foundation
  • Finally have a fitness program that works WITH your business, family, and faith - accelerating all of them simultaneously
  • Develop micro-habits, weekly rhythms, and mindsets that support physical transformation without sacrificing work or family
  • Learn how to understand the subconscious beliefs you have that currently run your habits and how to overhaul those in a Biblical way

Who Is It For?

Mission-Fit Dads is for busy Christian fathers, who are business leaders, executives, or entrepreneurs who understand the weight of leadership and the reality that more is caught than taught.

It's for dads who understand that most of the lasting impact they will have in the world will come from how others witness them living and leading, by example.

We aim to help father's who feel like they've tried countless fitness plans, diets, productivity "hacks", bible reading plans, and more...always to do well for a while - before falling off, yet again. 

Most Dads Struggle With:

  • Predictably and sustainably staying fit, healthy, and strong
  • Inconsistent healthy habits in the areas of fitness, eating, and their faith walk
  • Sifting through the noise of competing ideologies and fads to determine where to start
  • Feeling tired, self-conscious, frustrated, and at a loss for how to create lasting change 
  • Trying all the strategies but nothing seems to "stick"
  • ...and a lack of clarity and plan of what to do next...

Get A look At The Secret Sauce!

What We Do

We partner with busy Christian fathers, to install a proven system for habit development and rewiring the stubborn and engrained pathways in the brain that have them stuck - so they can easily get and stay lean, strong, and health...and leave a lasting legacy through their action.

How We Do It:

  • Yes, you get the fitness and nutrition program you might expect, but we also...
  • Give you the Right knowledge - cut the noise and simplify
  • Help you develop the Right habit systems - streamline and automate
  • Give you access to the Right Community of Men - reinforce and galvanize
  • Help you identify the underlying subconscious operating system you have that has kept you stuck and keeps derailing your best efforts
  • Train you how to rewire your brain so you'll finally do what you want to do, and not do what you don't want to do
  • Start with the minimum viable amount so we don't overload your willpower - and build from there
  • Use the 'Medium Disturbance Theory' to give you the right amount of challenge so you change quickly without being overwhelmed or burnt out

View Our Proprietary Pathway

Outcomes To Expect:

  • Lose fat (and keep it off)
  • Build muscle and strength
  • Gain endless energy and stay that way for decades (so you can beat your grandkids at your favorite sport) 
  • Develop and/or improve your daily connection with God through reading/prayer/etc.
  • Improve your marriage, and relationships with your kids and community by helping you become more present.
  • Transform the way you see and think about food, making healthy eating automatic (and delicious)
  • Learn how to maintain your new habits, your health, and your lifestyle for decades so that you can operate with confidence.
  • Meet and transform alongside a highly-curated brotherhood of Christian fathers who are business leaders

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What Are You Waiting For?

Lasting Transformation Awaits...Finally

Doing The Same Thing Over And Over Again Expecting Different Results Is The Definition Of Insanity. Don't Be Insane. 

Get The Mission-Fit Father Book And Get Started!

Copyright 2024 Mission-Fit Dads, LLC.


*All testimonials on this page are from real clients. The results you see on this page are not guaranteed. Other client experiences do not guarantee similar results. Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, as well as other unforeseen factors. Your results may vary.

Mission-Fit Dads, LLC. is a fitness, nutrition, habits, and discipleship coaching company. We do not sell hacks, “get fit quick” programs or shortcuts. We believe, with education, individuals can much more easily develop lasting habits, but we cannot 'guarantee' you will become fit and free from bad habits with our services.

Statements and depictions are the opinions, findings, or experiences of individuals who generally have purchased education and coaching. Results vary, and rely on individual effort, time, and skill, as well as unknown conditions and other factors. Further, some customers do not continue with the full program and do not apply what they learn and thus have difficulty in making fitness and lasting habits successful for them.

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