"I lost 30lbs and rebuilt habits that had been neglected for years!" 


Go From Frustrated, To Building The Body You've Always Wanted...In 90-Days

Join hundreds of men who have used this coaching system to get fit while eating delicious food, not sacrificing family, and continuing to thrive at work.
The exact framework I use to stay fit as a busy dad of 5 boys while running and growing businesses.

Are you ready to lose fat, gain strength, have more energy, increase mental clarity, and find sustainable systems that don't detract from your family or work?

Here are some of the amazing results we've seen, most are in just the first 90 days of coaching with us

Tyler, a busy dad of 6 kids, navigating a busy business life, not only lost 22 lbs in about 10 weeks but he finished his first 90 days learning what it looks like to maintain his weight long-term before continuing on his fat-loss journey. 

Tyler said "I think if I had to tell someone else [about the program], yes there's a cost to this but it's truly an investment in yourself. You're going to pay the price one way or another. I realized that coaching 'turns decades into days'. Stuff that I learned over the last 12 weeks would have taken years to learn on my own. You took it into 12 weeks!"

"I joined the Mission Fit Dads on January 1 2024 with the hope of transforming my 52-year-old body that I have mismanaged over the past few years and found myself overweight and unable to manage a diet my youth had no problem with. 

Eight weeks into the program, I've lost 20 lbs, my aches have subsided and I have more energy.  My body is transforming, and through the spiritual guidance provided by Chris and the others in our group, I've watched my body/spirit relationship dovetail in ways I never anticipated. If you want to be fitter, and feel better, check out Mission Fit Dads.


You desire a simple way to build better habits, transform your health, and increase your impact, all without sacrificing your family or work...


Good news. There IS a way! 


And without crazy hours in the gym, cutting out tasty foods from your diet, or negatively impacting your family life

Here's the raw truth every man needs to hear…

A man needs to get (and stay) physically and holistically healthy. You need energy, clarity, strength, and mobility to lead well.

That means you’ll need to learn how to integrate the concepts of mission/work, family, and fitness into a cohesive lifestyle with the right systems.

The fastest & most effective way to do this is with a proven pathway, an experienced guide, and healthy accountability.

…and that's where coaching comes in.

The right well-designed fitness program for mission-driven and family-oriented CEO's, entrepreneurs, and executives that integrates mission, family, and health & fitness, and provides the daily feedback loops and step-by-step direction you need. You’re sure to succeed at building lifelong habits that support your health for decades as you impact the world around you.


Most dads happily invest in:

Vacations ✅ ($6,000)


Their new bathroom remodel ✅ ($8,000)


Business coaching, courses, or masterminds ✅ ($5,000)


Their long-term health, fitness, energy, and focus ❌



Don't be that dad. It's time to reorient priorities. You can't 'go back in time' later on. 


Average Cost of High Blood Pressure - $1,200/year ❌

The cost of treatment for Heart Disease - $18,953 

The cost of having and managing diabetes - $16,750/year 


The life you really want most - Priceless 


How it works...

Our program is tailored towards helping the mission and value-driven, family-focused, entrepreneur, CEO, or exec.

1 - Initial Strategy Session

Get on a call with me to discuss and clarify your goals, needs, and current lifestyle and see if we're the right fit to work with each other. 


2 - Join The Program

Once you join the program we'll first assess where you are from a health and fitness perspective. On a call, we will build a game plan that fits your goals and lifestyle. Focused BOTH on immediate short-term wins that are important to you, and which set you up for the compounding long-term wins.


3 - Coaching and Accountability EVERY DAY.

With our easy-to-use Mission-Fit App & Software, I'll be working with you every single day until you hit your goal. You'll get my expert coaching and accountability so you can make progress toward your goals quickly and in a way that lasts. I will guide you and challenge you while giving you the inspiration and motivation that you need. 


4 - Get Lasting Results

Most programs focus just on workouts and nutrition but ours is different. While we certainly provide world-class workouts and nutrition protocol, we help you also focus on identity, habits, and mindsets. Following a diet or workout plan for a season can be "white-knuckled" but long term sustainability comes from addressing other elements. 


Results like this...


The Mission-Fit Framework™ coaching program is NOT for everyone...


Our coaching program IS for: 


✅ Entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives.

I am a coach who specializes in helping busy family-focused fathers who have lots of responsibility and things to juggle. The last 12 years after being an Army Ranger has been a career in venture-backed software and fitness. I forged this program in the arena business leadership and family. 


✅ People who take ownership and responsibility (or desire to level-up in this area) and commit to take action.

The amazing part about a health journey is that you're the hero. Only you can change your body and only can take credit. I'm an expert guide and will take you every step of the way, but you have to do the work. 


✅ People who are willing to invest in their most valuable asset - their health. 

This is for people willing to invest their energy, focus, effort, and money into their long-term health and the family legacy of health they'll leave behind as a result.


✅ Busy dads who want to have massive impact - not just at work and in their business - but in their family and community as well. 

Fitness and health can't be an idol, but it should be a means to an end...impact. The healthier you are, the more energy you have, the better you feel, the more mental clarity and focus you have...the more impact you can make on those you love and the employees and/or communities you serve.


Our coaching program is NOT for:


❌ People looking for shortcuts and hacks. 

This program isn't centered around getting you the 6-pack before your beach trip you're taking in a month (although running the plays from this program with consistency will inevitably result in 6-packs). This program is about long-term sustainable change. Leaving behind the start again, stop again; lose, gain, lose type of experiences when it comes to fat loss and health. 


Thrifty fitness shoppers. 

This program isn't the cheapest but you won't find a more effective program for family-centered, time-conscious, and mission-driven entrepreneurs, business leaders, and executives. This is for dads willing to invest and reap the benefits.


❌ Young professionals, students, or interns.

Since this program is catered to entrepreneurs and executives, it wouldn't be a fit for single, young married, or kidless men. It's for busy fathers.


❌ People who don't take ownership and play the victim card.

As a former Army Ranger, I only work with people who are action-oriented. Those that know that motivation often follows action. This program isn't for you if you wait for conditions to be perfect and you're not ready to put in some work. (on the right things with the right guidance from me)



Frequently Asked Questions: