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MB #052: Why Being More Fit is Evidence of Faith

mission briefing Mar 07, 2024

Hey friends, welcome back to The Mission Briefing. This week I wanted to take a moment to unpack a topic that is well neglected by the Church.

By now most of you have heard me talk about the Greek word pistis in scripture, which is translated in the NT as either faith or belief. In James’ epistle, he tells us that faith (pistis) without works, isn’t faith (pistis). It’s also the same word used by the father who exclaims to Jesus that he believes (pistis) but to help him with his unbelief.

The point of this is to highlight that our actions are intrinsically tied to our beliefs. We cannot by definition believe something that we don’t act out.

To know something without acting on it is simply intellectual knowledge, not faith. Faith requires action.

What we believe about how God views our bodies has huge implications for our Christian walk of faith. So, for those reasons, I decided to release a video on the topic for your enjoyment and edification.

I would love to see comments on the video with your feedback & would be so honored if you’d share the video with a friend or two so it can help other men!

Until next week…

Keep Forging Strength & Refining Soul,



PS. When you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help more:

1/ Grab our 90-day Tactical Fit Guide. Drop tons of body fat. Get "strong like ox". Transform your health. Improve your faith. Lead your family. Impact your community.

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